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Here you will discover what goes on in the world of Geography at Kiwi Primary School. We feel we are living in a particularly cultural and diverse community, and do our best to incorporate this throughout our vibrant Geography curriculum, using Kapow as a basis to support this. 

At Kiwi, we value the great outdoors and hands-on 'sticky learning', which means we do our best to provide enriching experiences for our children starting in EYFS and continuing throughout their years here.



Enrichment in Geography at Kiwi:

Christmas around the World day 2023-2024 

Local area visits 

Orienteering (planned for 2024-2025)

Living nearby to famous landmarks such as Stonehenge, and places of importance like the Bulford Kiwi, we like to ensure our children are familiar with their knowledge of these locations, but also do our best to get them outside and explore them too. 

Please see our 'Geography Intent' for further information.