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Kiwi Primary School is a 3-11years school with inclusive provision. It also includes a Nursery which admits children at the start of the term following their third birthday.

The main principle of admission to Kiwi Primary School is to maintain the character of the school as a local school serving its community. The school is an inclusive school that welcomes children from all backgrounds and abilities.

All children who reach the age of 5 years old between September 1st and 31st August are admitted to school during September.

Our Admissions policy can be found below

To apply for a place in the Main School Kiwi School please contact Wiltshire Council. All details can be found using this link: 

Wiltshire Admissions 

To apply for a place in our School Nursery please contact our admin team

Admission to our Resource Base must come through the SEN channels on your child's EHCP.

If you would like paper copies of any forms or more information, please contact the school office. 


Please Visit us!

We ask that if you are thinking of joining us that you come on a school tour before you join our school to help settle your child and so you can meet the warm and friendly team. If you would like a school tour, we do regular tours, please contact our admin team who will arrange a mutually convenient date and time for you to visit us.